Sunday, December 14, 2008

Nathan's 2nd Hernia Surgery & Kosta Koufos

12/14/08 – 14 ½ months old

Friday, Nathan had surgery to repair his inguinal hernia that reappeared at the beginning of July. The urologist believes that he may have a weakness in his abdominal muscles. So he folded over some of the muscles to strengthen the area. He found a sac of fluid in the scrotum also which he drained. The vas deferens on the right side (I believe) was damaged but the other one is healthy. Nathan is recovering well from the surgery and doesn't seem to be experiencing much discomfort.

We talked to the anesthesiologist about Nathan’ struggles to breathe the night after he has had anesthesia. After watching how he responded to the anesthesia, they recommended that he spend the night so that he could be monitored. Ben ended up going home and picking up the kids. I stayed at the hospital with Nathan.

Nathan seems to require more oxygen while he is sleeping and often doesn’t need oxygen at all when he is awake. The oxygen had to be adjusted each time he moved. So I basically didn’t get any sleep during the night. Saturday, they ended up sending us home with oxygen.

Today he is requiring more oxygen, even when he is awake. We will probably run out of oxygen before the end of the day. The on-call pediatrician is encouraging us to go to the ER. I think that he just needs a little more oxygen and don’t believe that he has anything else wrong with him. However, I can’t write the order for more oxygen, so I guess we will be going in when Ben gets back from church. (The kids and I are avoiding everyone in an effort to keep illness at bay while Nathan gets healthy again.)

On a fun note, Kosta Koufos, two cheerleaders, and a coach from the Utah Jazz visited us while we were waiting for surgery. They gave us a signed little basketball for Nathan and took a couple of pictures with him. It was a great diversion – especially since our surgery had to be bumped back 2 ½ hours for an emergency heart surgery. Nathan was struggling a little with this since he had been fasting for 14 hours.
Update: We ended up going to the ER. They took chest X-rays and found some cloudiness which could indicate pneumonia or a bad cold. They want to observe him overnight, so we are back in the hospital again. His oxygen levels are actually doing pretty well, though they have taken a bit of a dip as he headed off to sleep. Now if we can only get him to wear the nose tube and not rip it right off like he has been doing all day, I will get some sleep. Ben went home to rescue our wondeful friends from babysitting our kids all night long. We are feeling blessed.

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