Sunday, December 14, 2008

March 2008 - First Try for the MRI

Tara - Mar 3, 2008 A little over 5 months
We went for Nathan's MRI today, or so we thought. At first we were worried that they were going to put him under general anesthesia. We want the ENT to look down his throat before that happens. For the MRI, they are going to give him an IV to sedate him. After listening to him breathe, they decided that they wanted a anesthesiologist on hand when they sedate him, just in case. So we had to reschedule for next Monday, the 10th. Of course, we probably won't have any real news after we get the MRI done. It seems like it always takes forever to get any results. So they sent us home today. The day wasn't a total waste of time since Ben and I went out to lunch at the Olive Garden. I can't remember the last time that Ben and I went out to eat, and I loved it. :)

We are still working on getting the genetic testing done -- the insurance still hasn't gotten back to us.

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