Update on Nathan:
He loves school, his friends and his teachers. This year, he is not the only one from our family in his elementary school. His older sister, Emma, and his younger brother, Ammon, both attend as well. Nathan enjoys seeing them at recess or at lunch time.
Nathan's best pal at home is his youngest brother, Luke, who just turned three. Since Nathan just turned nine, there is a six year gap. However, they seem to operate on the same wavelength much of the time. They play together and they make messes together. These last couple of weeks have made records in the mess department. They got into the game closet, took out all of the board games, opened them all and threw all of the little pieces all over the house.
A few days later they got into the craft closet and got into all of the craft paints and squirted them all over the walls and especially the floor. Gratefully, the paints were water soluble, so we were only up until 2AM getting those out with our newly purchased carpet cleaning machine. One of the handheld wand variety. A full-size one would come in handy but we figure we couldn't afford one of those yet.
That brings us to the latest mess. This one I remembered to video document so I could share it with you. Enjoy!